Featured on Radio 2 this morning, Chris Evans had a discussion with a Motorhomes specialist, who mentioned how it is now a good time to buy a Motorhome. Whether it’s second hand or new, you can be looking at paying anything from £20,000 up to £250,000.
Obviously, the type of motorhome you choose will depend on the type of use you have planned for it. Those touring the UK for the occasional weekend break might be looking in the £30 – £50k bracket, compared to those more adventurous of out there, looking to tour much further afield and venturing abroad, may be in the higher bracket, spending anything up to £250,000.
We offer some advise to ensure you get the best possible deal for your Motorhome or Caravan.
Do your research
Do your research before visiting a potential supplier. Make yourself aware of the specs and prices, prior to your visit and let them do the talking. It pays to know your stuff, but keep it quiet to get a better feel for how genuine and helpful the sales person is.
Best times to buy
It’s always better to do a deal at the end of the month. Even better, if you can find out when their end of quarter is as the deals will likely be even better. Often, salesman and dealership have sales targets to hit and need to meet quotas and targets. If they fail to meet the targets, commissions will be lower, or their overall buying discount levels are affected. Sales people are always keen to get an extra sale at the last minute to boost their figures, and this is when they are at their most vulnerable.
Avoid the add-ons
We have all experienced the salesman add-ons, one way or another. Extended warranties, special paint protection, gap insurance etc etc. Some of these serve a genuine purpose but it’s surprising how they become greatly reduced or included free when negotiating the finer details of a potential deal.
Play dealers off each other
When it comes to price, the first (and second generally) is rarely the best price they are able to offer. Even when you think you have pushed them as hard as possible, push again. Even if you think you have reached the best possible deal, walk away and tell them you need ‘time to think’. Nothing makes a sales person more frustrated than the potential of losing a sale after so much time invested 🙂 ….
Sit back, bide your time and hold your nerve.
The chase up phone call
Give it a day or two and the phone will always ring. The salesman chases you up to see what you thought and if you are ready to proceed with the transaction.
Seal the deal ….
Now is the time to squeeze for the very ‘best’ deal they can offer you and always ask: ‘what else will you include free for me’ ….
Financing your Motorhome
If you are a UK Homeowner and need help to finance the purchase, get in touch with Arrow Loans. We can help you to raise finance against the equity in your home. Fast, flexible decisions from a Direct UK Lender.
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